Monday, November 10, 2008


So we can now do videos. We haven't been able to since we got here due to the incompatibility of Vista and our video camera and my ineptitude at figuring out how to make it work. But now...videos can be done.
This is Abby singing the Bumblebee song.
We're still working on it.

This is her singing some random song that she made up on the spot about butterflies.


The Pattersons said...

This is so cute. and is totally abby too!!

Mary said...

Holy crap she is so stinkin adorable! I love the butterfly song. The part where she sings an "o" sound very well, then at the end where it's very solemn and quiet. What a cutie.

The Morgan Family said...

Cute pictures. So we were thinking it's kind of stupid we haven't done anything since you moved, seeing as it's only and hour away. So if you guys ever want to meet in Short Pump and hang out that would be awesome.